Tuesday, November 24, 2009

My Gratitude Snorkel

A Gratitude Snorkel is a way that my friend Alia had me remember things I am thankful for.
It's just a list of things you're grateful for on the day you do it.

Here's mine for today:
  1. A bed where I can sleep for the night, and wake up not wanting to get out of it.
  2. My roommate Eloise for making me laugh.
  3. Notes from friends affirming me on random days.
  4. Chances to hang out with friends for no particular reason.
  5. Carl's Jr. french fries-they make me happy. :)
  6. People with contagious smiles
  7. Excited people flyering on BruinWalk (passion is passion)
  8. Thoughts of Thanksgiving and the surprises it'll bring
  9. Christmas music all around
  10. The Ackerman bookstore, being able to sit in a corner and just read
  11. Ice cream in my freezer [vanilla bean and mint & chip]
  12. Dancing the night away with friends
  13. Books that you can read time and time again
  14. Jon Foreman/Switchfoot music
  15. Texts from friends on Thanksgiving
  16. New beginnings (in all forms)
  17. Sunrise, that reminds me that each new day is a beginning
  18. catching up with friends while running errands
  19. sending mail to people far away and getting a response
  20. laughing 'cause i remembered something random
  21. finding the perfect Christmas present for my sister :)
  22. advent, that gets me that much more ready for Christmas
  23. going to the party supply district and eating a quesadilla
  24. plans for winter break
  25. RLCCs who are just as quirky as I am

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